Saddlery & Leathercrafts


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    Performance Through People works closely with The Walsall Leather Skills Centre to support the delivery of apprenticeships and other vocational training courses in leather working and saddlery.

    The Walsall Leather Skills Centre has a Bursary Fund to support the costs of training which is not funded from other sources.

    A career in Saddlery and Leather crafts will involve the practice of making leather into craft objects. As a leather craftsperson you will use cutting, shaping, sewing, tanning, and colouring techniques to create items such as saddles, leather goods or works of art.


    You will be working towards an apprenticeship standard in one of the following:

    • Leather Craftsperson (Level 2)
    • Bespoke Saddler (Level 3)

    Job roles in this industry include

    • Leather Craftsperson
    • Preparers
    • Machinists
    • Bespoke Saddler
    • Tanners

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